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Monday, September 14, 2009


Green Tea, the gift from ancient China to the entire humanity may be the best treatment to your obesity. Green tea is one of the best “non fermented tea”. This clear and fresh smelling tea can work wonders with your excess weight. Green tea is generally produced using just three simple steps, heat, rub and dry. That’s all! The natural healing powers and treating powers of the tea are never lost. Due to the implementation of different technologies in the process of making green tea; it can now be found in the superstores under three different categories. There are fried tea, baked tea and steamed green tea.

If you read the ingredients list behind most slimming and weight loss products, you will find green tea as the key ingredient. Green tea naturally has a key ingredient in it named as polyphenol antioxidant. This element helps in burning off the excess fat from the body. Researches have revealed that a person who drinks 2-3 cups of green tea daily can burn up to 80 unwanted calories from his body. Keep in mind that this calorie burning process will have no adverse effect on your heart rate and their no unnecessary caffeine deposited in your body. What else do you want?

Polypehnol, the component I mentioned earlier, is a natural occurring antioxidant which is found in plants like that of green tea. Antioxidants are substances that relief’s the body from extra and unwanted chemicals. These include excess calories as well. Such chemicals in the body not only increase the weight; but also make your body prone to many diseases like caner and heart problems.

Green tea not only actively helps in reducing weight but has tremendous other advantages as well. Freshness in the skin and mind, prevention from cancer, reduction of cholesterol, cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure control are just a few benefits to name.

The methods used in the process of green tea are actually the key step in locking all their benefits within the leaves. The regular black tea, unlike the green tea is fermented. This means that the tea is exposed to air for along period of time before it is dried and processed. The tea looses some of its vitality this way. The simple three step method of green tea preserves the most important ingredient polyphenol strictly within the tea.

Weight loss pills that have green tea as a key ingredient in them may be the best option for those who can’t give time into brewing the tea and steaming it. With life going so fast, these pills are a great help to all those over weight people out there.

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